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Knowing your ideal customers

Understanding your ideal customer.

Starting a hypnotherapy practice might seem like a daunting prospect. You’ve decided to take your desire to help people with their issues and problems and make a business of it, and up until now you’ve worked with people you know, friends, friends of friends, family, co-workers and so on.

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When diets don

The 3 main reasons diets don't work

You've tried them all; the two sticks of celery a day celebrity-endorsed fad diet, the too-good-to-be-true chocolate for breakfast diet, raw food on Thursdays, liquids for lunch, even diets dictated by the cycles of the moon.

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University Students

Sending your children off to University?

Is your child setting off for University this year? Sending a child off to University can be an exciting time. On the one hand, you feel proud and excited for them -after all it is a whole new chapter in their lives!

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Motives for beginning a hypnotherapy business

Why are you doing this?

Every hypnotherapy practice is different, and when it comes to making yours a success, you need to carefully consider and decide on what your success criteria is going to be. Only by deciding ahead of time what you want to get out of running your own practice, will you be able to plan for, and achieve that goal.

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School exam stress

Why it's the right time to take hypnotherapy into schools

Exams are a big part of life. The culmination of months of hard work, and years of education, represent a huge investment of time. And with the results often being felt to determine the course of the rest of their lives, the consequence of failing can be a huge weight on the shoulders of the pupils and students undertaking them.

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Eliminating bad habits.

5 tips for kicking bad habits

We all have them. Whether they are harmless yet irritating niggles like nail biting or swearing, or more something more serious like smoking and over eating, bad habits affect everyone. And, if you've been doing it for a while, your unwanted habit is not going to be easy to shift.

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To do list - escaping the rut

Escape the work rut

Do you feel as though you have got yourself into a bit of a rut? It’s so easy to pick up habits as part of our daily work routine.

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News article Of Sheila Granger

'I've never hypnotised anyone - they do it themselves'

This week I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Catherine Lea, business editor of the Hull Daily Mail. We spoke about my work with schools to help students overcome exam anxiety and being tasked to help big corporates to reduce stress levels among employees.

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Ways to reduce stress

Four ways to combat work stress that aren’t counterproductive

It's Sunday evening. The pangs of anxiety kicked in shortly after your Sunday roast, your mouth is starting to go dry, and you can feel the beginnings of that headache that normally keeps you awake until Monday morning. If these symptoms sound familiar, you may be suffering from work-related stress.

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Creating a successful hypnotherapy business

Blog Series - How to create a hypnotherapy business

This is the first blog in a series that’s aimed at helping you turn your enthusiasm for hypnotherapy into a successful and thriving business. You have probably become a hypnotherapist because you’ve experienced the transformative power of hypnotherapy yourself, and now want other people to benefit too.

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New Years resolutions

New Year, New You...Hello 2016!

It’s that time of year again when we make New Year’s resolutions and promise ourselves we are going to change for the better. Welcoming the New Year should bring with it a fresh start.

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exporter of the year award sole trader of the year awardentrepeneur of the year finalistmost impressive growth finalist

Sheila Granger Ltd
11 Church Street
HU10 7DG

Tel: 07984 162207

© Sheila Granger 2025.

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