How we can prepare our children for exam results

For most children and young adults, exams are an extremely stressful time. There is a lot of pressure to ‘get everything right,’ to be able to answer every question, and not ‘let themselves down.’
In fact, a recent study found that exam results directly influence a child’s self-esteem. The higher the grade, the better they will feel about themselves.
Exam time can also be a challenging time for youngsters because they often come before a major change. This could be a new school, new lessons, or even right before they leave for University.
Around exam season, schools, colleges, and universities put a huge amount of effort into creating helpful study guides, study sessions and trying to help young people as much as possible during this difficult time. Preparing your child for receiving their results, whether it’s a month, week, or even the night before, is really important and can help them to cope, whatever their results may be.
Worrying about what questions they may have answered incorrectly, whether they let themselves or their school down, and trying to imagine their future can all run through young peoples’ heads right before they receive their results. It’s a stressful time. Something which can really help banish those negative voices is meditation. By practising meditation, you are teaching yourself to get rid of all of those unwanted thoughts and feelings that cloud your judgement- worries about what questions you answered correctly, or whether you did enough revision, can create feelings of tension and affect confidence. Meditation helps to calm those nerves and make you focus. Lots of professional athletes and musicians are known to meditate right before they go into the spotlight because it helps them to focus on their goal.
I wish all students the best of luck in their exam results. If you would like to find out more information on the power of positive thinking, browse my website or write me an email today!